• HUAYI Human Brain Development Research Mechanism Corp

Q&A List



【The questions asked by network company】Any special reason for you to use Google+ ?《The answer please check the content》

 These articles are interpreted with the Chinese characters which have the same real functions, mechanisms and effectiveness as original substance instead of those languages as forms of symbols. Chinese characters, composed by numbers from 0, and 1 to 9, are dimensional, living words with the same mechanism and effectiveness as everything, which is also the same as the program of the creation and the mechanism of atoms. However, it is hard for us to translate them ideally in English because they have the same mechanisms with original substance. We sincerely invite those who are not only good at English but also willing to share and take part in this activity to accomplish this English version together which is going to be able to achieve the mission of the terminal creatures to solve the problems of mankind and the world and to help mankind upgrade to another level which fits the origin with the suitable ecology and technologies.
【The questions asked by network company】
Any special reason for you to use Google+ ? 

Answer : We do not have any special reason to use Google+ alone, Google+ is only one of those many different ways for us to make human complete. We do not have subjective personal point of view about choosing different technologies, platforms, and standards. Our target is to hope that it can widely be transferred to all human. HuaYi mechanism is the same as the one which originally created the whole world. It is beyond time and space, and can be testified with all real signs, and solve all human problems. It belongs to the whole world, all mankind, and everything. The channels and performers we choose to spread out has no specific limitations, the point is to efficiently spread out as soon as possible, to let those who ready to know it does, to re-connect to the origin and avoid all old mistakes. Therefore, We have been and will try as many different channels as much as we can, what we have done are books, Google+, Facebook, opening of HBHP, all those video platforms including youtube, social networking, website building, multimedia DVDs. We have been trying to be doing all these, and Google+ is only one of those.