• HUAYI Human Brain Development Research Mechanism Corp



China can be top of the world if it deal with Taiwan issues well (How should China deal with world)【Huayi Mechanism】

 These articles are interpreted with the Chinese characters which have the same real functions, mechanisms and effectiveness as original substance instead of those languages as forms of symbols. Chinese characters, composed by numbers from 0, and 1 to 9, are dimensional, living words with the same mechanism and effectiveness as everything, which is also the same as the program of the creation and the mechanism of atoms. However, it is hard for us to translate them ideally in English because they have the same mechanisms with original substance. We sincerely invite those who are not only good at English but also willing to share and take part in this activity to accomplish this English version together which is going to be able to achieve the mission of the terminal creatures to solve the problems of mankind and the world and to help mankind upgrade to another level which fits the origin with the suitable ecology and technologies. 
China can be top of the world if it deal with Taiwan issues well
(How should China deal with


According to the problems existed and going to happen, China has no right to decide to or not do deal with the relationship with Taiwan but to face it as soon as possible on the consideration of whole mankind, world and entire ecosystem. As for that what was in need must have solution after , and the one promoted for more level will be able to offer what we all need at the present while the world has reached its bottleneck and that is exactly what we Chinese are supposed to do after the westerns have done theirs. For example of the subject about “how China deal with the world”, we can see that : the number of the search result on Google about “how china deal with the world” on Oct.9rd 2014 is 2,290,000,000; the one of “how China get over the world” is 618,000,000; the one of “how Chinese people break through the world ”is 253,000,000; the one of “how Chinese lead the world ”is 218,000,000. On Chinese search engine Baidu, the search result of “how china deal with the world ”on Oct.9th 2014 is 28,300,000. The number of the result has reached 3,407,300,000 without put those from other websites and similar issues into consideration. Moreover, it shows different result all the time and it keeps automatically updating to the most precise result. We can see from that how serious this problem has become that all key persons at the present in the world have been fooling around and even hurt each other because they can’t find the solutions , or what is made by the origin to integrate , or anything real to have those problems solved.

Those who willing to dedicate himself on this to make the world more complete, to make the mankind more advanced, and to make China to be united to become the country what all us need in the future, or to make himself to be the one to have the mission and talent can try to come for help to get the best way to achieve that practical resolution which our world and China has ling been waiting for.

In the world, mankind and productions have to keep promoting; for everything on earth, directions and amount are something has to match with, so there are some conditions and steps which are certainly meant to be needed to promote from one to another. Anything need to promote and upgrade to something for different circumstances as brains, knowledge, skills, literature, country, society, industries, mankind, productions, elements, functions and mechanisms, has also the same conditions and steps. It is far from possible to get past or even keep up with the completion for the origin which go well with the environment by just normal thinking, it is also hard to only connect to the combination of what existed and what showed up for progress which is now still incomplete. The whole world is now facing an awkward situation without knowing that the existed ones can be turned by 120 degrees to become everything what we have been waiting for. The leading countries and wise people have no better science, mechanisms, and abilities to lead ourselves to promote or to have more understand about the origin, which causes that the brains which are leading everything have difficult to get promoted or to function completely. That also causes the weakness of the application of the elements, and it is hard for us to complete our mission of necessary promotion of doing our final job to make all match, to upgrade the elements structure to go up to the expectation of the origin, and to make the use of high technology to achieve our goals. What’s more, what should be done to level up and restore the function of the origin for promoter’s use becomes depriving followers without proper use of it. It is not like that what goes on the right way is the dedication instead the followers turn 90 degrees to form a new way to boycott the leader. As the body of elements is already arranged by the origin, if human change it and focus mainly on the amount, that rapid change of the deployment will occur disasters and troubles because we don’t know what we need and what the key is.

For Taiwan, according to the existed problems in the world, the competitive human nature, we should do something to take the responsibility for a country to the world to accomplish the basis to stabilize our country and our people. And the one who get control of the mechanism which decode the existed and what offered by the origin to solve all future problems will become the one who leads the world in the future. So, as for the situation that present science needs to be promoted and upgraded for the production and what have been done by the origin, Taiwan happens to meet the right time when the world leader has to be changed. Also, Taiwan was located on the key place of the evolution of creatures and the front base of China. Additionally, Taiwan plays a role to approve that the new world leader need to have a different ability to break through existed human problems and offer an entrance for the whole world to take part in. Therefore, Taiwan must not leave all those deployed and destined by the origin, the new world leader with the different angle of 120 degree has to try to hurry up to deal with it and convert it to the whole world, otherwise, the original energy which should have already been out will come back to attack us because of delaying.

Even more, Taiwan, like the birth process of human , is also from mature eggs to another system; and from the ovary to the oviduct, and then bedding; and then grow up to be a baby, and then have different education. The Chinese character, which evolved from 5000-year history essence, has the similar process to become an adult to accomplish the mission for Chinese to complete the real sills, human mechanisms to match the origin for the whole world. According the recent five dynasties 宋元明清華 with the basis of three for everything, it was formed as an egg to come cross the sea to Taiwan at the end of 明 dynasty to wait for the sperm, and then Japan come to Taiwan as sperm to accomplish the bedding of the egg, and then ROC came to Taiwan with the Chinese characters of 5000 year for bedding, and then吳文 connected to the origin, and then 吳松財 converted all these into this Hua-Yi mechanism which was turned out from characters with the 5000 year essence to a new science which is necessary and have a function to help mankind to solve the defects and restore to the origin, and to make human again able to have the talent to re-deploy and save ourselves. And then ROC take this 5000 your essence new science back to China and then China get promoted by it and spread it out to all over the world so that human kind can have a different but better education. So as for the way how Taiwan is made, we can see that Taiwan is supposed to be valued as a process of human while Taiwan plays this important role for mankind. Additionally, Taiwan is located on the center of the earth, and Taiwan goes before the whole world according to the operation of the earth. Moreover, in the whole world, only Taiwan have this special process like human birth, so that the mechanism, effectiveness, job and specialty showed up by Taiwan is not supposed to be taken, to be recognized, to be applied as traditional or normal ways. As a result, the more powerful the human brain with energy offered by the origin can be, the more powerful the energy Taiwan has will be.

It is already quite difficult now for us to deal with present problems with existed science and way of thinking, and the necessity of the promotion of technologies, systems, industries, defects, ways of thinking, human nature, bottlenecks needs to be changed to the new science of Chinese. Accordingly, Taiwan was born as the way like human, that means Taiwan is meant to show us how complete human can be, to guide mankind to be complete, and to tell human that what human have and how human can go well with the origin, and also offer for human to experience. It is also supposed to offer the necessary experimental approval and all the real we need to have to help us mankind to enter a complete and perfect new era, so that we are able to get rid of the accumulation wrongly caused by fear of unknown of the future, able to give up something unnecessary, to do away with unreal superstitions. That also means Taiwan owns the whole energy and mechanism on behalf of mankind offered by the origin, which includes all those unknown to apply, otherwise, why could that final and ultimate essence of Chinese characters of mankind be sent to Taiwan and converted to something for what the world needs, and for what reason the essence of 5000 year Chinese culture would be set to be bred in Taiwan if Taiwan is not given the condition for this by the origin. So Taiwan is on behalf of the most complete and ultimate essence of human and everything, which is supposed to teach human being to first remember how one becomes complete on behalf of the origin, as we first study numbers in elementary school and then study physics in high school, and then we compare the completeness composed by the functions of our brains and the origin with which is not yet complete showed around us, after that, the way how those incomplete will become complete will automatically show itself because the 2/3 of it is complete. In other words, the first period of mankind relies on food; the second period of mankind relies on the brain, while the final period of mankind is to understanding, and that is the only way human being will not hurt itself. Accordingly, formed to be the representatives of the world to execute with the origin, China absolutely have to understand its mission to make mankind upgrade as showed in the world map with the south on top, otherwise, mankind would be upside down and go on the wrong way so that we finally destroy ourselves and the earth.

With the image of the earth of the north on top, it will be like that we spoil our children and learn from something not clear, and the world will have big trouble because the right ones are less than 1/3 and the wrong ones are over 2/3. On the other hand, if we turn it to be the south on top as how our ancestors showed us, then we will get good ratio with the right one showing up and the ones standing upright are over 2/3 that China happen to be formed in the center of the existed ecosystem and the world. So, what China should do is to take the job and mission for the world and mankind and all creatures instead of old systems. Therefore, being located in the key place and door way of China, Taiwan definitely has its only special role and importance, or Taiwan will not be able to have the different function which makes all better future and keep decoding and promoting with the change of 120 degree to solve everyone’s deficiency and make sure everyone has a better future. So, as for what mankind needs, for China, the Taiwan issue has become something China has to horridly deal with on the consideration of the whole mankind and ecosystem instead of whether or not China should do it now. Otherwise, the whole world with get trouble. Also, it will become a huge waste that Taiwan has managed to perform the completeness of the future, to execute restore to match the origin, and to accomplish the test and the real proof of all before China’s out guard. Even more, Taiwan is also the accustomed research mechanism and out guard of China as ROC overturned the Chi monarchy and then China kept it, Taiwan plays the role as China’s out guard but it depends on how China will do according to that.

Even, if China represents the most complete country which every country is waiting to connect, then it absolutely goes with everything of human given by the origin. As we can see that, the time when this Chinese new science comes up, there are about 6,350,000,000 people in the world which matches the number 365of revolutions of the earth per day, and the population ratio of Taiwan and China is also about the same as that of head to body. That proves more that China really represents the right mechanism mankind should have to show up to those concerning. Especially at this moment on earth, it’s much more necessary for us to have a real-human-brain-like mechanism to help human being to restore and to know how to make the best of our true talent given by the origin. That is why China absolutely have to deal with Taiwan issue as soon as possible. So, to make Taiwan and China the leading models for the world and to be the one the whole world have been waiting, and the one the universe and the origin are expecting, it is impossible for us to create a China with existed old mode and knowledge to get past the present and give everyone better future. It is extremely difficult for China to deal with Taiwan issue and the head-body problem without an relatively ultimate solution beyond the present world. The Taiwan issue could be worse if it is done with the wrong way because China is the special one which affects the evolution of the whole mankind and world but not only itself, and its not at all the right way for a country which is set the sample for the world in the future. So, it is not right and not at all easy for China to negotiate with Taiwan in a fair way to make it to be the advanced leader of the world and satisfy all citizen with existed structure because the already existed way has been quite stubborn. In other words, it is impossible for China to deal with Taiwan issue well, because Taiwan and China is meant to be the country to lead the world and possibly with special way of negotiations with threads , and that is why Taiwan has such a unique property. Therefore, China must understand very well about the key point of how Taiwan restore the whole world to the origin. So, if China can deal with Taiwan issue well, Taiwan people is sure to approve that, and China will make it sure to be at the top of the world. The world is waiting for promotion and modification, Taiwan, with such huge invisible future potential, is also waiting for someone to start it , China is as well waiting the right one to achieve the mission and restore set by the origin.

Now, Taiwan is still in a mess with China because China has not connected to the future of the world. Otherwise, why have there been no one who can come up with a right policy which cannot be denied by the others in the future, even more, as for now, no one knows how to make up the real stuff which the whole Taiwan people will agree with. That is because Taiwan’s real responsibility has been really figured out , so there are these improper statements existing. That is also because modern people never imagine that it is possible for mankind to decode the potential to get past the world with the fact that different races have been given different duties. That is also because it is not yet figured out that China and Taiwan, like body and head, are dependent on each other that Taiwan cannot perform without China and China can’t be complete without Taiwan. So, if China does not make the best of its own science given by the origin, then what China can offer the world would be less, and citizens would be more and more unconfident on the country, and even cause more and more strikes on the streets. Therefore, to get a united nation, China has to have its own methods given by the origin by making Taiwan a sharable center instead of take Taiwan into China’s territory. That way, China is not the China the world used to think of, and also it is the present when something turns out to be real; not that it is still incomplete if there is still some time ahead to go. Now the whole world is facing the problem that the upper ones have no methods to promote and get complete and the lower ones become negative conversion provider with too much producing duplication which are waiting for knower to help and handle it. China now happens to have this kind of skill and talent that if China can soon combine China and Taiwan together, not only the whole world will get saved and promoted, those problems caused before get solved, but also the Chinese people become the key one to make everything better. Is not it all perfect? At last, as Taiwan is not only the center of China but also of the world, it all depends on how China, lies in the center of the earth, handles Taiwan and connects to Taiwan to become the one the whole world need to connect to in the future.